Experience Numerology readings with Sylvia Liumyira ~ a leading light and expert on the subject of this ancient science, developed for the purpose of unveiling, revealing and reminding us of our soul's missions and paths that we have chosen for this particular lifetime here on this beautiful planet.
Through the Numerical values of your Date of Birth and Name you can find the KEY to unlock a deeper understanding of WHO YOU REALLY ARE and which is your TRUE PURPOSE in life.

My name is Sylvia Liumyira, since I was a child I was interested in discovering the mysteries of Life, always seeking the Truth...
My Mission
I know how hard and overwhelming it can be to face difficulties in life, feeling like a victim without understanding what’s happening and how to overcome all the obstacles; feeling fear or guilt when we are not living the successfull life we were expecting to experience.
My Mission is to support people in remembering who they are, what are their gifts, being aware of the lessons they need to overcome, and directing them towards their Highest Purpose in order to express the best version of themselves.
About Me..